Patrick Borowski

Patrick Borowski graduated from Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta, in 1991 with a degree in Finance. That same year, he took an accounting position with a small energy and marketing company. However, four months into his employment, he realized that accounting wasn’t his preferred career path and transitioned into a role in the commodity marketing and trading group. During this time, the oil and natural gas physical markets began to develop into financial instruments, offering companies opportunities to hedge their energy risk exposures. Patrick transitioned from speculative trading into a customer-facing role, helping companies manage their financial products to become more profitable amid market volatility. This role enabled him to communicate not only with individuals executing these trades but also with CFOs, CEOs, and board members to help them develop strategies for growth. Recently, Patrick, together with a former business colleague, founded an energy marketing company specializing in serving large industrial customers. Their focus is on managing clients’ energy needs while helping them navigate and mitigate the costs of the green energy transition and carbon taxes.

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