BeachCon LANFest SoCal


  • CPU Case Mod Contest
  • SimCity -- who can make the most amount of money per hour?
  • Paper Airplane -- who can make a paper airplane that can be thrown the furthest?
  • Rock, Paper, Scissors -- Rock always wins... well not really...
  • Memory Speed Contest -- can you put memory in a motherboard fast? Show us. 
  • Water Balloon Throw
  • Nerd Jeopardy -- how much do you really know?
  • Mini Basketball -- Nothin' but net
  • Find the Dime Contest -- can you really find it? 
  • Facebook Contest -- share, like, and post
  • Scavengar Hunt -- the Bronco Student Center is our domain. Good luck.
  • Photograph Contest -- take some stylin' shots. A panel of judges will say who's the best.
  • CS:GO Gun Game Contest -- How pro are you at CS? 
  • Crimping Contest -- How fast can you crimp an ethernet cable? Do it fast and make it work, and you could win!
  • PhotoShop Contest -- Let's see some awesome designs. The theme will be announced at the LAN.
  • MORE!

Movie Mayhem

We'll be playing movies all weekend... awesome ones to be exact.


Play fighting games like Smash Bros and Street Fighter in our Console area!