LANFest National | LANFest Gaming Expo (LFGX) |
Do you have the best LANFEST Chapter?
Sign ups are now open for Chapter Champs for LFGX 2021
(No ticket required, but is recommended for loot!)

Discord, Steam, and Battle.Net handles are required for EVERY player!
If a player does not have a handle, please take the time to create one on each platform as they are free to sign up!
All players will be required to use the LFGx voice channels during the event.
Dates/Times for Chapter Champs Activities
Friday 1/29/21 6:00pm CST | Game To Be Determined |
Saturday 1/30/21 2:00pm CST | Game To Be Determined |
Sunday 1/31/21 10:00am CST | Game To Be Determined |
Sunday 1/31/21 12:00pm CST | Game To Be Determined |
Please Note: Times include the 1 hour check-in time before each activity. Plan on competing several hours for each activity. Not all activities will require the full team of 5. Teams will be asked to quickly install and play mostly currently free-to-play games