LANFest National R6S: AIM Against COVID-19

This tournament is only open for players in these regions: Canada, United States of America


2.14 Pre-Match (Pick & Ban)

2.14.1 Home & Away Team Definition

Shown on your schedule, Home team is determined by which team is displayed on the left side (or top) of the match and the away team is displayed on the right side (or bottom) of the match.

2.14.2 Map Bans Best of one Map Bans

Each game of Rainbow Six will be played out as a Best of 1. The map ban order is as follows:

  • Away team bans map
  • Home team bans map
  • Away team bans map
  • Home team bans map
  • Away team bans map
  • Home team bans map
  • Away team picks starting side on remaining map

2.16.1 Game Hosting

Game Hosting is the responsibility of the home team.

2.16.2 Server Selection

The home team should choose a suitable game server for both teams. If no agreement can be made between the two teams, the default server will be central (CUS).

2.16.3 Map Pool

The Map Pool for Rainbow Six is as follows:

  • Bank
  • Consulate
  • Border
  • Kafe Dostoyevsky
  • Club House
  • Villa
  • Coastline

2.16.4 Game Settings (BO3 / BO1)

Time of Day: Day

HUD: Pro League

Best of 3

  • Number of Bans: 4
  • Ban Timer: 20
  • Number of Rounds: 12
  • Attacker/Defender role swap: 6
  • Overtime Rounds: 3
  • Overtime Score Difference: 2
  • Overtime Role Change: 1
  • Objective Rotation Parameter: 2
  • Objective Type Rotation: Rounds Played
  • Attacker Unique Spawn: On
  • Pick Phase Timer: 15
  • 6TH Pick Phase: On
  • 6TH Pick Phase Timer: 15
  • Reveal Phase Timer: 5
  • Damage Handicap: 100
  • Friendly Fire damage: 100
  • Injured: 20
  • Sprint: On
  • Lean: On
  • Death Replay: Off

Game Mode: TDM Bomb

  • Plant Duration: 7
  • Defuse Duration: 7
  • Fuse time: 45
  • Preparation: 45
  • Action: 180

2.16.5 Disqualification from a Match due to Delay in match

Players are required to be in lobby and ready to play 20 minutes past their match time. If a team fails to show, please flag the match on Battlefy and a tournamnet admin will resolve it.

2.17 Mid-Match

2.17.1 Breaks in a Match (Best of Three Matches Only)

Breaks are permitted between each map of a match. No more than a 10 minute break between each map. Breaks are not allowed before the start of Map 1.

2.17.2 Rehosting

Maps should be played out to their fullest extent. A map is considered to be over when the full leaderboard is displayed in the post match screen. Players should refrain from leaving before the leaderboard so all match data can be gathered for statistics. Rehost Requests

The rules for a rehost are specified below:

  • Any issue before the preparation phase starts (game, software, or hardware related)
  • Player can’t move (unless it’s done on purpose) rehost in the first 30 seconds of action phase, if no players have taken damage
  • Game mechanic not working as intended (shooting, reloading, moving, gadgets, equipment, etc.) rehost up to the first 30 seconds of action phase, no damage taken by anyone
  • Disconnect/hardware problem/software problem, rehost in the first 15 seconds of the preparation phase.
  • Observer issue, rehost up to the first 30 seconds of the action phase, no damage taken by anyone Continuing a Rehosted Game

If a match is interrupted and has to be rehosted it should continue on the round where the rehost was requested. The same bomb site and operators are to be selected when a rehost occurs. Timing

If a player disconnects after the match time specified in 4.5.1 rehost requests, the round will continue. If the player can not reconnect until the end of a round, the lobby will be remade. This remake of the lobby does not count as a rehost requested by the team. Number of Rehosts

Each team receives 1 rehost per map maximum.

2.18 Post-Match Procedures

2.18.1 Match Submissions

Each team must take screenshots of the post-game leaderboard. Match Result Submission(s) Screenshot Quality

Match media for each match must consist of a leaderboard screenshot for each map played. It must clearly show the round count of each team as well as each player's scoreline. Failure to provide clear match media may result in default loss or penalties. Storage of Match Media

Each team is responsible for keeping match media up to a week after the match has concluded. It is recommended that the participants make a dedicated folder for their result screenshots.

2.18.2 Match Protests

Match Protests are a protest submitted by a team’s captain or manager for a problem that has an effect on the outcome of a match. Protests can include incorrect servers, incorrect names, bug abuse, etc. A protest is the official complaint to the tournament administration about a match. Deadline

A protest must be filed no later than 72 hours after a match has concluded. Accepted forms of Evidence

  1. Screenshot
  2. Twitch Clip
  3. Twitch VOD
  4. Detailed description of the events accompanied with any of the above items