Streamer Rahhzay smiling while gaming.

International LAN Party Day 2019

December 31st on

Join us in streaming to raise money for your favorite charity on December 31st using the hashtag


Gamers Giving Back

What You Can Do

  1. Tweet & broadcast showing your support for International LAN Party Day 2019.
  2. Set up a LAN party with your friends or stream team! Pick a charity to support - if you don’t have one, here’s a list of charities who have already committed to participating and boosting your pledge.
  3. Boost your favorite celebrities, charities, and streamers on social media using the tag #lanpartyday19 - we want to make sure gamers know that 2020 is the year of giving back!

  4. Instagram, TikTok, and stream your gaming during New Years Eve
  5. Tweet or shoot us an email at [email protected] to let us know how much you raised for charity on International LAN Party Day so we can boost you and let everyone know what we’ve achieved together as a gaming community. Start the year off right by giving back!

The Format

International LAN Party Day is a day of activism and fundraising primarily on Twitch. Starting at 12p PT running until 3am PT, will be streaming, featuring, and broadcasting our worldwide community’s efforts to raise funds for charity.

We will primarily be raising money towards our 2019 year-end goal via Tiltify (or Donor Drive) of $20,493/25,000.

Simplistic and pretty illustration of a computer.

How to Help

We want our partners, streamers, family, and friends to talk about their plans for a LAN Party on December 31st using the hashtag #lanpartyday19 and phrase “International LAN Party Day”. This is a community effort that will take a great deal of energy and activism to properly activate.

We also want everyone to reach out to charities and get them involved - the more groups raising funds for this drive the better. In addition, for groups that want to raise money for charity but don’t have a go-to option, we want to encourage LANFest as the default charity of choice.

Finally, we want to encourage content creators and fans to take advantage of the resources listed below to make this the most successful kickoff of gaming in 2020 it can be!


LANFest will have a publicly available stream widget with our fundraising goal at

We will be watching the #lanpartyday19 tag and boosting participants on our platform.

Please send videos to our Instagram & TikTok and we may feature you on stream!